Student Newsletter of the cws

The following are the Center newsletters (most recent on top) written and produced by the students themselves.  You will find references to ideas encountered from our faculty lectures, or faculty-led discussions, filtered through the experiences and interests of our students.  Please feel free to post comments below.

sleep of reason.jpg

Newsletter #3: Enlightenment and Beyond

"Man is born free, yet everywhere he is in chains..."

Mary Shelley vs. the forces of modernism

Grace Cumbee

q&a with world war i

Jaelle Salsbury

Kings of Sand Castles

Devon Floyd


Newsletter #2: Shakespeare

"To be or not to be..."

As the crow flies: An overview

Jaelle Salsbury

A Midsummer Night's Mirror

Jaelle Salsbury

The Tragedy of plot twist: the king of denmark

Grace Cumbee

Hamlet: changed in providence

Devon Floyd


Newsletter #1: The greeks

"Sing to me, O Muse, the man of twists and turns..."

As the Crow Flies: An Overview

Jaelle Salsbury

Odysseus #MCM

Jaelle Salsbury

On the Xenos Covenant

Devon Floyd

Batman: The Christian Achilles

Grace Cumbee